Presentations and Videos
Keynote Address: Kamal Jethwani, MD, MPH
Video (YouTube) | Presentation
Using AI to Improve Chronic Disease Management: Bob Matthews
Video (YouTube) | Presentation
Creative Solutions for Managing Complex Care Patients Panel: Bert Thurlo Walsh, MM, RN, CPHQ, Jill MacCormack, LICSW, Christopher Wellins, MD, MS, FACP, and Courtney Pladsen, DNP, FNP, RN
Video (YouTube) | Presentation
Utilizing Technology to Manage Risk While Moving Care to Home: Itay Baruchi, PhD
Video (YouTube) | Presentation
Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Panel: Ron McKinnon, Jerry Adach, and Michael Mercurio
Video (YouTube) | Presentation
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